Saturday, May 30, 2015


Hello, narwhals! It's been a while since my last post, but i promised to start this blog up again during the summer! Well, guess what? My last day of school will be Tuesday and i look forward to blogging again! Is there anything in particular you'd like to see?

I'll be resuming my summer blog from last year. I'll be doing summer quotes, pictues, ideas, and my favorite, "the jar of bordom"!

You can find me on :
youtube  (which i will be starting up again!)


Monday, April 13, 2015

Hello, guys! It's been a LONG while. I hope to start writing again during the summer 💕 if you want updates on my 'life', you can follow me on Instagram : _bubble.tea
Wattpad : PotterheadXDrarry 
Tumblr : disabledgayllama 
Pintrest : iamanarwhalee 
YouTube : unused! Hope to start this up again. 


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's day, everyone!
Sadly, I have no valentine. :c
Hey, hey, hey, that's okay!

My Aunt got engaged to the person I don't like, well, I don't think he's good for her. (but i'm only 13, what do I know?)

And I had to switch Instagram accounts because on instagram harassed me, claimed me art theft, sent her followers after me to report and block me, along with sikiredu on instagram. my new account is : pony4evrlikewow (Will change username soon) clicky for kendalls insta

I got a box of chocolates, a bag of truffles, and a valentine's card with 2 toe rings (wth grandma?)

Hope you had a great valentine's day!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fursuit creating links

These are REALLY helpful! Especially the Mischief Makers video!

click for my youtube playlist of "how to- fursuit creating"

Be sure to check them out ^^^

Guess who's getting a fursuit!

Yep, me! I had a talk with my grandma and she said we could make one this summer! I'm so excited!

I have my plans already! I'm gonna watch some how-to videos, i'll leave the links here, and i'll post as it comes along, on my instagram, under the tag #rockysfursuit2015 ! You don't need an instagram account to go to my profile, as long as you click this link : click here for my instagram or, if you want to search me up on mobile, my username is : --> rocky.fluff.butt <--

For some reason, blogger is not allowing me to upload pictures at the moment! I guess i'll have to try Google Chrome.

That's all!


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Hello, Lovies! Second post in a row! c:

I have been writing today. To see my writings, just click on the Library section of my blog, under the title "Kendall is a Narwhal"

Anyway, I need characters for my story. I will be holding a contest on instagram.

clicky for my instagram
Or if you want to search me up on mobile, my username is : rocky_falalalalalala
(6 la's)

-It can be any character, you don't have to use it after you enter the contest, unless you are chosen and are included.
-You can make up a character, I will make examples and post them and tag them to the contest hashtag
-It can be for any story
-I need to know what rank/roll/part your character will play in the story. For example : A knight/the king/the queen in Pancake and Waffle Kingdom, a kid/a friend of Kaela's in Kaela's Picture Day Gone Wrong, a friend of Avery's in Picture Disaster day, a part of royalty/another servant/a warrior/a knight/a medic/a caregiver/ etc in Candy Kingdom, or  a person they meet/someone in school/a new friend of the characters in The Journey
-The information in the applicaton I will post next has to all be filled out correctly, I will give more information when I actually post it

If you have any questions, DM me on Instagram or comment here or on Instagram.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

32 days later

Sorry, lovies! I have been very distracted lately. I will be updating this blog in just a moment. I will be adding new pages to visit, updating other pages, writing pages, and changing the background. Possibly adding music?
To see what i've changed, click on one of the pages named "Home, Furries, All about me, Old Videos"
as well as new added pages!


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, Lovies! Hope your's is as good as mine! 
Remember : 
1. The reason for the season : Jesus' birth 
2. No matter what gifts you get today, the best gifts in life are priceless! 
What did you all get today? I got some AWESOME stuff!!! 
From "Santa," I got 4 anime movies ❤️❤️ 
1. Totoro 
2. Kiki's Delivery Service 
3. RWBY (volume 2) 
4. Princess Mononoke 
From my aunt : 
1. "I love my French bulldog" sweatshirt 
2. A huge grumpy cat plush 
3. 3 sweaters 
4. A fox heating pad (I love them) 
5. A SUPERCOMFY pillow
From my parents (oh gosh)
1. A Pinkie Cooper doll (basically a furry doll) 
2. Truffles 
3. 11 styluses 
4. An IPad Mini 
5. A bright pink case for my iPad mini
6. A portable charger for iPhone/iPad 
7. Pajamas
8. Scarf 
9. Socks 
10. A phone audio amplifier (I don't think that's how you spell it) 
12. Tic tacs 
13. iTunes gift card 
14. AMC movie theatre gift card 
15. Hunger Games Trilogy books
16. Warrior Cats Books : Fire and Ice (2nd) 
17. Warrior Cats Books : Forest Of Secrets 
18. My sketchbook will be here Tuesday! 
From my sister :
1. Bracelet making kit (she's 6 lmao) 
That's all I can remember! 
But, don't forget Jesus ❤️ he is love, he is life! (Don't start with Shrek, please) 
He was born on this day too many years ago to remember, in a manger. 
But, I know some people aren't religious, so I will stop. :c 

Happy Holidays!! 

Friday, December 12, 2014


Hey, sorry, guys! That I didn't get to post that bit of my story. :c I got grounded. But, I'm back! And I don't have a piece of my story ready for the public yet. So, instead, I'm gonna be promoting my Pintrest account, and how awesome it is! 

First off, if you don't have a Pintrest, you NEED one. You physically need one. 
I know people say that it's time-consuming, and yea, that's true, but it's so awesome! I could spend all day on it!
I haven't spent a day, that I have had Pintrest, off of it. (Unless I was grounded) 

Let me show you some cool things I found! 


-last of kawaii- 
-end of clothing- 
And SO much other things! Like these : 
Pintrest is amazing! You can find anime, clothing, style, bedrooms, drawings, drawing tips, funny pix, tumblr posts, and LOTS more! 

If you would like to visit my Pintrest, click :


Accedintly drank vodka

Hey, narwhals! 
Well, today, while watching a movie, my mom poured vodka and diet coke in her glass. All I saw was the diet coke, so, of course, I took a drink. I felt so funny for the rest of the time. It was WEIRD. Advice from Kendall : don't drink your parents' drinks! 
There was this other time, when my best friend was spending the night with me, at my aunt's, and we were painting my cousin's room Minecraft themed. Well, I looked up if you could get drunk by smelling paint, and, well, it turns out you can! So, of course, I tried it! I smelled paint multiple times all night. It was like being on drugs, I couldn't stop! The rest of the night, I acted funny.. Way funny, weird, CREEPY! 
Advice from Kendall : don't smell paint! 

On another subject, I was emailing Vic! She's graduating tomorrow (she was an assistant teacher) and then she's going on a cruise! It sounds great. She even sent me a picture of her dogs, and asked about my hobbies. I wish her the best of luck on whatever rail she chooses! (Haha, see what I did? You had to read my previous post) 

Tomorrow, I'm ringing the bell for the Salvation Army! So, if you happen to see anybody ringing the bell outside of Walmart, that is 12, blond, and named kendall (xD) that is me! Then, we are going to a Pizza Party down at Pizza Hut! I'm going to wear my sweater that looked like Vic's. She told me one day, that she really liked my sweater. I looked, and they were the same. I said, "but, they're the same!" She replied, "yeah, but I like yours  better." She was so nice. I'll be reminded of her during her graduation. :) 
